Murino Srl


Murino Srl(Co.Ltd) has been operating in the field of restoring bound assets placed under the protection of the Superintendence for Architectural and Landscape Heritage for about thirty years.

Our interventions concern both ecclesiastical assets and civil buildings of different ages, from the twellfth century until the fifties of the twentieth century.

The interventions concern:


- the pictorial restoration (frescoes, fresco-secco paintings, etc.);

- natural and artificial stone restoration (restoration of marble, stone elements

   lime-based plasters, selected demolition and restoration techniques-scuci e cuciof brick surfaces, etc.)

- structural restoration and consolidation using carbon fiber, fiber

   glass and stainless steel elements with improved adhesion.

- urgent interventions for the safety of buildings and the

   monitoring of hazardous situations.

- restoration interventions on ecclesiastical buildings placed on sites where 

   operating with normal means (crane, spider, etc.) could be difficult.


Additional restoration works carried out by our company include works for heating and electrical systems, telephone and intrusion-detection systems, entrusted to  external qualified contractors with whom, over time, we have established relations of confidence.

All our interventions are exclusively performed by highly qualified staff with long experience in the field.

Specifically, in the current year we are committed to the complete restoration (exterior, interior, renovation of plants) of the Church of San Rocco confessor located at Cascine Calderari in the municipality of Certosa di Pavia; the internal and exterior restoration of the well known Villa Verri, now Villa Botton, in Lentate sul Seveso (MB); the restoration of internal and external surfaces of the church of San Pietro in Sala in Milan; the internal and external restoration of the Santa Maria Assunta Oratory in Ameglia (SP). The restoration of the Church of Santa Marcellina in Milan’s suburb of Muggiano. 

Interior and exterior restoration of Milan’s Palazzo Citterio in Brera.

To better describe our work, please visit this website with extensive photographic documentation of the works performed.


Company Profile


Our company, born as a craft business, has had the opportunity, over time, to deal with the different aspects of restoration and specialized construction.

The current company name (formerly Murino Restauri d'Arte Srl) derives from an amendment made last year; the increase in the share capital and the creation of a new head office, while maintaining the figures of the Administrator and the workers unchanged, have allowed the Company to adapt to the current market needs.

The fil rouge that accompanied our interventions was the desire to always look for the best solutions for each building, fresco, decoration, shovel or canvas, through targeted techniques, able to provide, with maximum professionalism, a high-quality result.


Company organization chart.


The Murino Srl, is made up of a qualified and coordinated group of professionals: currently, in addition to the head of the company, M. Mùrino, who has worked for years directly on site, delving and deepening in person the complex and different methodologies related to the restoration, the organization chart is composed of:


16 restorer technicians graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts;


10 workers also specialized in structural restoration;


1 General Manager;



The Administrator.



Sedi amministrative:

Via Del Mare 63 - 20142 Milano

Tel./fax 02 8134488

Cell. 347 2467178

Sede legale:

Via Jan Palach, 16 -20142 Milano

P.IVA 08739140963



Cod. fat. elet.: T04ZHR3



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Chi Siamo

L’Impresa Mùrino Srl opera, da oltre un ventennio, nel campo del restauro e nella conservazione di edifici di valore storico artistico.     




Sito Web Aggiornato

21 Ottobre 2024


Via Del Mare 63, 20142 Milano

L’ impresa Murino Srl è composta da un gruppo qualificato e coordinato di professionisti.